intimate secret

Beauty is what we possess from within. Showing it to the world is the best thing there is. So the world becomes aware that they too have it
Beauty is what we possess from within. Showing it to the world is the best thing there is. So the world becomes aware that they too have it
Love is not everywhere, you have to look for it, where humanity is, it is not as far away as we can think, it is not as far as we can believe, but here, where we sow it…
Modern times push us towards selfishness in all these forms, we are blind and deaf to what is happening around us, the disease of our centuries is installed the “Modern Solitude” now in the big metropolises many people live in the ultra loneliness, they forget that there is a remedy for all this “give to receive”
Nowadays everything goes very fast, we are busy with our self-satisfaction, we don’t care about the people around us, we forget the essentials, that’s how “I love you” becomes more and more ONE forgotten word.
Today I woke up with this song in my head, “SinnerMan” from the Ballet “Revelation” by Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. The inspiration came to me from a silhouette with a barbed wire crown…
we don’t give ourselves time to be HAPPY. we lock ourselves in THIS PRISON when the key to happiness, is what we hold in our hearts…