b my love

While the earth speaks and engages in war, I aspire to something much more important “LOVE !”
While the earth speaks and engages in war, I aspire to something much more important “LOVE !”
Every moment of our life, our face changes and reveals our feelings like a carnival mask…
Every day must be a day of kindness, here is an eternal gift that I gave to you with pure sincerity that will provide you with extensively joy and happiness
It’s never too late to give if we want to receive, we put what we have to offer, for sure this gift will not be refused
Beauty is what we possess from within. Showing it to the world is the best thing there is. So the world becomes aware that they too have it
Love is not everywhere, you have to look for it, where humanity is, it is not as far away as we can think, it is not as far as we can believe, but here, where we sow it…
Modern times push us towards selfishness in all these forms, we are blind and deaf to what is happening around us, the disease of our centuries is installed the “Modern Solitude” now in the big metropolises many people live in the ultra loneliness, they forget that there is a remedy for all this “give to receive”